27,95 EUR
Everything about the legal protection of birds in the Netherlands. A clearly written reference work with attention to theory and practice for bird protectors, lawyers, policy makers and citizens including taxidermists.
Vogels en de wet ('Birds and the law', Dutch-language, 336 pages). All about the legal protection of birds in the Netherlands. A clearly written reference book focusing on theory and practice for bird conservationists, lawyers, policymakers and citizens including taxidermists.
Almost all wild birds and their main habitats enjoy legal protection in the Netherlands. What does that protection look like? What is and is not allowed? This is clearly explained for both live and dead birds. The rules for bird taxidermy are also covered in detail.
‘Vogels en de wet’ provides an up-to-date overview of the legislation aimed at protecting wild birds and their main habitats in the Netherlands. The starting point of the book is the new Environment Act 2024, which provides the legal basis for this protection.
The book discusses the legislation on the basis of three main themes:
‘Vogels en de wet’ is a useful handbook for taxidermists, explaining clearly and in plain Dutch why the rules are the way they are today. After reading, much will be clear about what is allowed and what is not. A must for every taxidermist!