Beaver, brown multicolored acrylic eyes with a white sclera and a medium pupil diameter 12 mm
6,00 EUR
Life size body for a Wild boar.
Measurements (A x B x C x D x E): 28 x 40 x 81 x 143 x 108 cm
459,00 EUR
PU form for a life-size mount of a Spanish ibex.
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 17,6 x 29,5 x 42 x 137 x 85 cm
585,00 EUR
PU form for a life-size mount of a Spanish ibex.
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 16,5 x 27 x 35 x 124 x 83 cm
536,00 EUR
PU form for a shouldermount of a strong Siberian ibex.
Dimensions (A x B x C): 18,5 x 33 x 63 cm
107,00 EUR
PU form for a life-size mount of an Alpine ibex.
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 17,5 x 28 x 52 x 150 x 103 cm
605,00 EUR
PU form for a life-size specimen of a medium-sized roebuck
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 11,5 x 21 x 29 x 107 x 70 cm
275,00 EUR
PU form for a life-size mount of a medium-sized roebuck
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 11,5 x 21 x 30 x 114 x 68 cm
275,00 EUR
PU form for a shouldermount of a roebuck with stretched neck.
Dimensions (A x B x C): 11,5 x 21,5 x 30 cm.
42,00 EUR
PU form for a shouldermount of a medium-sized roebuck with a slender neck.
Dimensions (A x B x C): 11 x 20.5 x 28 cm
35,00 EUR
Lifesize form for a Mouflon.
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 14 x 26 x 40 x 120 x 80 cm
404,00 EUR
Shouldermount form for a Mouflon.
Measurements (A x B x C): 13,8 x 25,5 x 38 cm
56,00 EUR
Trophy head PU form for a Mouflon. Dimensions (A x B x C): 12 x 22 x 33 cm
42,00 EUR
Life size form for a Chamois.
Sizes (A x B x C x D x E): 13.7 x 22.5 x 33 x 135 x 78 cm
264,00 EUR
Shouldermount form for a Goat.
Dimensions (A x B x C): 15 x 24 x 30 cm.
57,00 EUR
Shouldermount form for a Canadian or Alaskan moose.
Dimensions (A x B x C): 44 x 68 x 89 cm
264,00 EUR
Lifesize form for a Red Deer.
Dimensions (A x B x C x D x E): 31.5 x 51 x 82 x 208 x 154 cm
1.062,00 EUR
Shouldermount form for a Red Deer hind.
Dimensions (A x B x C): 23 x 39 x 42 cm
109,00 EUR