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Fleshing / Brushing machine to clean skins
585,00 EUR
Brass brush with soft wire to clean delicate (bird) skins
34,95 EUR
Brass brush with hard wire to clean firm (mammal) skins
19,95 EUR
Coupling bush for brass brushes with brushing machine TW1901-P
49,95 EUR
Replacement grease capturing cover for fleshing machine TW1901-P
8,95 EUR
Skinning and purifying sawdust
2,50 EUR
Dryer (hair dryer) for taxidermy and skins with adjustable temperature and power.
349,95 EUR
Mobile preparation stand for birds and small mammals
Skinmaster fleshing machine
2.495,00 EUR
Replacement blade for Skinmaster fleshing machine, choice of steel or stainless steel
285,00 EUR
Set of sharpening steels for sharpening the knife on the Skinmaster fleshing machine
29,95 EUR
Preparation stand for mobile or fixed installation on a table or workbench
149,95 EUR