Easy to work blocks of PU foam from the brand Sculpture Block, available in different sizes. This new lightweight high density foam has a density of ± 100 kg / m3 and is therefore very strong and extremely suitable for preparations. Ironed wires from legs and wings can be firmly fixed in the foam. The foam is very easy to shape, you can make very refined and detailed shapes with bodies and skulls. Also fit in postaments, for example as artificial stones. This foam can be processed with simple tools such as a saw, round gouge, rasp, file or sandpaper / gauze.
strong and lightweight
suitable for high detailed shapes
can easily be processed with saw, file, rasp, sandpaper, etc.
manufactured models can easily be molded with silicone - a release agent is not necessary
models can be finished with synthetic resins such as PU resins, epoxies, polyesters, etc.
Safe material, but use a masking cap / dust mask when sanding!